Saturday 9 August 2014

Liebster Award // leeannpatricia

This is a little bit of a random post but I was nominated for the Liebster Award  not once but twice by emilyraebeauty and littlemisswblogs. I honestly had no clue what it was about but I thought I'd give it ago anyway!

The rules!
  • You must answer all questions that are given to you
  • Must link back to the person that nominated you
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
  • Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
  • Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
  • Must inform nominees of your nomination
  • Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info

emilyraebeauty questions!

What is your holy grail product?

There are so many to choose from I don't even know myself! But it will probably have to be my Smashbox Brow tech to go product. Its so simple and quick to use for filling in your eyebrows! Its defiantly the best product I've ever used when filling my eyebrows in, and it has a gel in it which means I get to keep my brows in place all day!

What is your favourite coloured lipstick?

Not all lipsticks suit me because i'm very pale, which means pinks wash my skin out completely! So i'd say very deep reds and purples! My favourite lipstick at the moment has to be my Topshop lipstick which cost £8 and is in the colour "Inhibition"

What do you enjoy most about blogging?

Theres so much I enjoy about blogging, even though I don't have a ton of followers I thinking about what to write next and how to lay it out! It keeps me on my toes and its my favourite hobby! I enjoy the some of the comments I get on my posts, it means so much to me!

What type of blog posts do you like reading the most?

I like reading a variety of things, such as how to do different things with your makeup, reviews and outfit of the days! But theres so much more!

What do you think is the best type of takeaway?

There's no doubt about it, a good chinese it the best takeaway!

What do you think is the best high end makeup brand?

There is so many brilliant high end makeup brand like chanel but I always stick close to home and choose MAC, it may not be classed as ''High end'' but all there makeup is so beautiful and has such a range of things or every type of person!

Do you prefer Autumn or Winter?

Definatly has to be winter, I love wrapping up warm and getting in my fluffy sockies, watching films and drinking hot chocolate while having cuddles with my boyfriend.

Favourite Fashion trend?
I don't even think I can answer this question, but I'll have to go with the big chunky sandals and high heels! 

Favourite nail polish brand?
I'd have to say OPI or Barry M are my favourites!

Something you want to achieve?
When I have finished my last year of college I defiantly want to start focusing more on my career as a makeup artist and maybe starting my own business. However something i really want to achieve is a successful blog and maybe even start a youtube channel, as its always been my dream.

Favourite high street shop and why?
oh come on now, every girls favourite is topshop and you can't deny it! It has such a variety of clothes and theres something always i want from there! JUST GIVE ME THE WHOLE SHOP!!!

littlemisswblogs questions!

What posts do you mostly enjoy reading?
There are so many different type of posts I enjoy reading to be honest. I enjoy the variety, so product reviews, step by step tutorials, about clothing brands! So anything basically.

What is your favourite place?
Tough question, I have a few but it has to be the place I visited with my boyfriend a few months back. It was such a beautiful place to relax and feel free.

What is your most essential item?
Well I answered this question before and I said my Smashbox Eyebrow product, but now i'll have to say my Mac Studio Fix Flud foundation! I cannot live without that beauty!

What always puts you in a good mood?
My boyfriend, Chocolate and sunday dinners!

One direction, 5 seconds of summer, The vamps or neither?
So I do have a little guilty pleasure out of all of the bands. I went last year for my birthday to see One direction and got to see 5 Seconds of summer too! But I basically have a crush on the vamps!
(I promise I'm not a fan girl)

All time favourite song?
I don't even think I can answer this one, theres too many!

Favourite piece of clothing?
Well I love getting a flannel shirt and throwing it over any type of outfit, so I'd have to say it my favourite item of a clothing.

Necklace, rings or bracelets?
I wear all three and I can't live without them so I can't choose!

Where would you rather visit: London, Paris or New York?
Such a tough question, but I suppose it depends on who I'm going with! But as I've been to both London and Paris before I'd defiantly have to say New York, its been my dream to go there since I was a little girl.

If you were famous what would it be for?
Defiantly being a well known famous makeup artist.

Would you rather go a year without wearing makeup or a year with wearing crocs?
Right I'd have to admit crocs aren't my thing, but you can actually get different styled ones, so I'd rather go a year WITH wearing crocs because lets face it, I can't go a year without no makeup!

My nominees

And my Questions
  1. What is your holy grail product?
  2. What is your favourite step in your everyday makeup routine?
  3. Favourite Makeup Brand?
  4. Why did you start blogging?
  5. What are your aims for when your older?
  6. What is the one makeup product you want the most right now?
  7. What is your favourite lipstick of all time?
  8. Who is your favourite blogger?
  9. If you could live in another country where would it be?
  10. Who is your Fashion icon?
  11. Favourite season and why?
If you have been nominated, follow the rules at the top of the post and make sure you answer all the questions!

Comment if you have any questions or contact me through twitter.
Thank you



  1. I always enjoy reading these! It just shows how nice the blogging community can be :) Nice answers.


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