Thursday 14 August 2014

Just a quick update! // leeannpatricia

Hi guys, sorry about the lack of posting recently but I've been really busy trying to sort out a lot for V Fest and having to house sit for a few days so I haven't really had a chance to do anything! Also I've been working really hard on a portfolio for my makeup and modelling so it would mean a hell of a lot if you checked it out for me! I will leave a link at the bottom of the post! But anyway, I wanted to show you some makeup things I had been up to recently and explain a little bit about them.

Look 1;

The first kind of luck I attempted was a very bold and sleek look, it looks like a very bold looking eyeline.

Now when doing this look I thought it would be very hard to create but I was actually wrong! It was very simple and easy to do! I start buy applying MUA eye primer and covering my eye in white eyeliner. Now for the blues I used Sleek brights palette which you can buy at superdrug for £7.99. Now using a very compact eyeshadow brush start applying it but make sure it takes within a sleek line, if not you can clean it up with concealer later. Then get a darker shade of blue, keep in the lines and place this in the middle of the eye and blend with the lighter blue. Now for the last part I used a gel eyeliner because I can never find a black eyeshadow dark enough! so I made the shape I wanted to go for first and started filling it in and went ahead with the dark blue and blended it in more. Afterwards it may look messy depending on how much practice you've had so grab you concealer and a little brush and clean up the edges to make them harsh lines and you're done!
Actually very simple and easy! I loved this look when it was all completed and gives a great effect. I always love doing crazy things with my makeup and taking pictures to show people afterwards.

Look 2;

Now as you can tell there's some kind of themes with the two looks and this is the shades of blue. I love how blues look on my eyes as it really makes them pop. So this look is going to be a little harder to explain, but bare with me. The first thing i did was put white eyeliner all over my eye and white eyeshadow to create a bolder white afterwards I did a 'C' shape with a dark blue and blended it out as you can see on the picture the dark smokey blue is what i did first. Then I grabbed my gel eyeliner and did a thick line but don't create a flick follow the 'C' shape. I didn't want a black harsh line so I got a black eyeshadow and blended it out slightly. Then I got my lighter blue and put it on the center of my eye making sure I didn't ruin the black line and re-applied the white. You're now done but feel free to add eyelashes. 

Please feel free to check out my portfolio!

Thank you for reading


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